Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Tea Party's Identity Crisis

I originally published this article at RevoluTimes on December 1, 2011

The political circus being played by the GOP must leave one wondering if the Tea Party has all but abandoned its goals of fiscal restraint and smaller government. Rick Perry, Herman Cain and now Newt Gingrich have all been declared the frontrunner at some point throughout the presidential race despite their support for Big Government programs and government spending. Mitt Romney continues to poll well throughout the country but many conservative activists have refused to warm up to the former Massachusetts governor due to his many inconsistencies on the campaign trail.
This strong trend of searching for the Anti-Romney (similar sentiments were held during his presidential bid in 2008 as well) is rather puzzling considering the embrace given to the aforementioned candidates by much of the Republican Party and Tea Party supporters. The Tea Party and conservative activists across the country pride themselves on being defenders of capitalism, lower taxes and cuts to federal spending; but their propensity to latch onto whomever the Republican Party and conservative media is promoting at the moment makes this claim questionable at best.
The schizophrenia of right wing voters began with Rick Perry. As I’ve documented elsewhere, the Texas governor has a laundry list of tax hikes, corporate welfare and even a government mandate for young girls to purchase and be submitted to an HPV vaccine. As if this wasn’t enough to eradicate any rumors of Perry’s fiscal conservatism, Perry staunchly supported the springboard for the Tea Party movement: TARP. Indeed, not only did Perry support the bailout, he co-authored a letter with then president of the Democratic Governors Association, Joe Manchin saying,
“…There is a time for partisanship and there is a time for getting things done…and now is not the time to assign blame. It is time for D.C. to step up and be responsible and do what’s in the best interest of American taxpayers and our economy…It’s time for leadership. Congress needs to act now.”
Perry’s well-known history of pandering to special interests and unimpressive debate performances led many within the Tea Party to look towards Atlanta businessman Herman Cain. Cain’s candidacy had been an afterthought for several weeks due to his lack of name recognition; but his apparent outsider demeanor made him far more attractive as voters looked for an anti-establishment candidate. Yet again the so-called conservative media and grassroots organizers touted the latest frontrunner as a stalwart defender of free markets and fiscal responsibility. Little did most Republicans know, (and most still don’t know), Cain oncecondemned a national sales tax only to propose his own, vehemently opposes the notion of ending the Fed and restoring sound money and the coup de grĂ¢ce of course was Cain’s op-ed in strong support of TARP saying,
“…Wake up people! Owning a part of the major banks in America is not a bad thing. We could make a profit while solving a problem. But the mainstream media and thefree market purists want you to believe that this is the end of capitalism as we know it. It is not for several reasons that they have conveniently not explained…” (emphasis added)
It seems Mr. Cain believed the stealing of your wealth was just a wise investment the State was obliged to make for you. But despite his tarnished record and brand of political whimsy, the former CEO of Godfather’s Pizza held strong until allegations regarding his personal life were made public recently.
At this point the conservative masses were more than happy to offer the musical chair to former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. It’s not surprising to see the Georgia native rising in the polls as he’s very well known for his debate skills. It is baffling however that anyone with a straight face could claim Newt Gingrich believes in the free market or fiscal responsibility in any form. Not only did Gingrich support TARP, he staunchly supported the creation of the unconstitutional Department of Education, (and continues to push for its expansion) NAFTA and GATT, various federal subsidies, flip-flopped on Climate Change, received nearly $2 million from Freddie Mac and has repeatedly expressed his support for a federal mandate to purchase health insurance in some manner. And just to illustrate how little concern he has for actually cutting spending, Gingrich referred to the rather modest cuts presented earlier this year by Congressman Paul Ryan as “right wing social engineering”, only to once again change his mind later.
If the Tea Party and its supporters truly wish to be an agent of change and usher in a new age of free markets, sound money and fiscal restraint, they have a very strange way of showing it. As of right now, their choices in a presidential candidate will only result in them becoming a silenced wing of the Republican Party with little influence, and even less credibility. I’d suggest they return to their roots.

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